Saturday, November 16, 2013

Waxing Poetic

It is easy to wax poetic
of the sun kissing the streets of Jerusalem,
her rays glimmering
even when she slips out of sight

It is easy to wax poetic
of Shabbat kissing the streets of Jerusalem,
as the wailing of the Western Wall begins to sing,
as the wafting aromas of challah begin to rise

As the days of the week
melt away,
the great poet
Chaim Nachman Bialik
waxed poetically:
The sun on the treetops no longer is seen.
Come gather to welcome the Sabbath Our Queen.
Behold her descending, the holy the blessed,
And with her the angels of peace and of rest.

It is easy to wax poetic
of the quiet of Shabbat
of the beauty of our homeland -
for the peace of our Jerusalem
that oft flickers somewhere between
a luminous light and puddles of melted wax
may our prayers for peace
may our hope
may our work and
our fight

for peace in Israel -
and endure
potently beyond the pages
of a short Shabbat poem...

Friday, June 14, 2013

M'kor ha-Shemesh

Mi mizrach shemesh ad m’vo’o -
from the rising of the sun until its setting,
we thank you
O Source of our sun,
for your rays,
your people aglow in their basking bronze.

Mi mizrach shemesh ad m’vo’o -
from the rising of the sun until its setting,
we thank you
O Source of our sun,
for your warmth,
our fields and our hearts
abundantly nourished by your cycle of living.

Mi mizrach shemesh ad m’vo’o -
from the rising of the sun until its setting,
O Source of our sun,
shine down on the land of Israel,
and imbue her with a resilience to withstand
parched droughts and scorched relationships...

Or Chadash Al Tziyon Ta’ir,
as new light shines upon Zion -
M’kor ha-Shemesh,
O Source of our brilliant sun,
melt away strife
cultivate joy,
fill us with life,
may we merit
your radiant peace.

Friday, June 7, 2013

M'kor ha-Geshem

M’kor ha-Geshem,
O Source of rain,
we thank you for your nourishing waters.

M’kor ha-Geshem,
O Source of rain,
we thank you for your droplets
abundantly full
of life.

M’kor ha-Geshem,
pour out your blessings on the land of Israel,
water her with a resilience to withstand
rapid floods and parched droughts.

M’kor ha-Geshem,
O Source of these rains,
nourish us,
fill us with life,
your people Israel

with overflowing peace.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Shelter-in-place, you told us...
be vigilant
be calm

Shelter-in-place, you told us...
be careful
be caring

Shelter-in-place, you told us...
rest assured
rest with ease

Whether in Israel or Boston,
we praise You
O source of sheltered places,
and we thank You
O source of people who shelter us
for the sense of safety you allow us to feel inside our homes,
for the sense of safety you allow us to feel inside our shul,
for the sense of safety you allow us once more to feel in our city...

Shelter-in-place, you told us,
but perhaps, O source of shelter,
You have enough experience with this
to know
what You really meant to say, 
what You really meant to pray for us

Friday, April 5, 2013

M’kor Sefirah

We count the omer
every night
this is one
this is two
days until we receive Torah...

We count the omer
every night
this is three
this is four
days until we finally get to Sinai...

We count the omer
every night
this is five
this is six
days until revelation...

What will the Torah at Sinai reveal to us this time?
Who will stand with us at the foot of the mountain?
Who will join us as we journey to the Promised Land?

M’kor Sefirah -
O source of counting...
as we count the omer
every night
shelter us,
protect us,
bless your children Israel
with the courage to stand and journey and receive
and grow and build
a land of Israel worthy of your revelation.  

For a daily Omer count - visit Shir Tikva's Facebook page.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

M'saderet Tikva

Yesh Tikva -
there is hope

for peace in Israel

Yesh Tikva -
there is hope

that it will come
and soon

for embracing friends
hope for embracing foes
hope for renewed leadership
hope for renewing promises

M’kor Tikva, O source of hope,
M’saderet Tikva, O
orderer of hope,

help us embrace and renew
all possible paths to peace,
such that around our seder tables
for many years to come
we can recite with confidence
that "Next Year in Jerusalem"
there will be peace!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

M’kor Tzarut v'Rochav

We children of Israel
find ourselves perched
on the cusp of freedom.

Hodesh Nissan,
it is the month of Mitzrayim,
of narrow straits...
and the only way to get out
of Egypt
is through.

What’s on the other side, remains the question?
Is it Israel, the land of our hopes and dreams?
Is it Israel, the land of complications and war?
Is it Israel, the home of one people?
Or is it Israel, the home of many?

What if it is Israel,
but what that means is different for you and different for me?
If it doesn’t look like what we hoped and dreamed it would look like,
can we turn back?  

Surely we cannot turn back,
surely we cannot turn our backs
even if it's not where we thought we were going.


we are the children of Israel -
and we find ourselves perched
on the cusp of freedom.  

And in this month of Mitzrayim,
we will work together to widen those narrow straits.

M’kor Tzarut v’Rochav,
O source of narrowness and width,
guard our land,
guard her people,
guard all her inhabitants,
and protect us as we build together our most Promised of Lands.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Shabbat Bish'vat

Shabbat Bish’vat
on this Shabbat in the month of Sh’vat
we praise you, 
God of Israel,
for the cycles of our days,
the cycles of our weeks
that bring us always to that fresh and quiet day of rest.

Shabbat Bish’vat

on this Shabbat in the month of Sh’vat
we praise you,
God of Israel,
for the fullness of our week,
for the quiet when we needed quiet, 
for the joy when we needed joy,
and for calm amid the storm,
or the joyful winds when things were a bit too calm.

On this Shabbat in the month of Sh’vat,

we praise you,
we celebrate you,
O God of Israel,
for the cycles of our days,
for the cycles of our weeks,
and the fullness of each.

And we pray,

in this month of Sh’vat,
that that there always be moments of Shabbat...
that we, that Israel, that all the world
might find stillness, wholeness, and peace.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Rosh Chodesh Shevat

Rosh Chodesh Shevat -
on this first day of the month of Shevat,
we praise you,
God of Israel,
for the cycles of the year ,
for the cycles of the moon
that bring us monthly back to a fresh beginning.

Rosh Chodesh Shevat -
on this first day of the month of Shevat,
we praise you,
God of Israel,
for the cycles of our earth,
for the rains when it is time for rain,
for the dew when it is time for dew,
and for the rain and snow especially when it is not time,
but when we need it most.  

Rosh Chodesh Shevat -
on this first day of the month of Shevat,
we praise you
God of Israel,
for the cycles of our vegetation,
for the greens when it is time for green,
for the reds and yellows when it is time for red and yellow,
for the birth and renewal of tiny seedlings into towering trees...

On this first day of the month of Shevat,
we praise you,
we celebrate you,
O God of Israel,
for the cycles of the year and of the moon,
for the cycles of the earth and of vegetation...
And we pray,
in this month of Shevat,
that Shevet Achim Gam Yachad,
we might all sit together peacefully
in the shade of your most grand creations.