Friday, December 14, 2012

M'kor Habracha

M’kor Habracha,
O source of blessing,
we praise you and seek your blessings 

over Israel-
but who are we
to seek your blessing
when you are needed elsewhere tonight?

M’kor Habracha,
O source of blessing,
we praise you and seek your blessings 

over all the children of Israel -
but who are we
to seek your blessing
when other children need you tonight?

M’kor Habracha,
O source of blessing,
we praise you and seek your blessings 

over all your people Israel -
but who are we
to seek your blessing
when so many other peoples need you tonight?

Yes, even when so many others need you tonight -
M’kor Habracha,
O source of blessing,
we praise you and seek your blessings 

over Israel, Jerusalem, and all the world.

And we pray that your shelter of peace, tranquility, 

justice, healing and light
be with so many who need you tonight.
for you are
M’kor Habracha,
the source of all blessing,
at all times, everywhere, for all in need.

M’kor Habracha,
O source of infinite blessings -
we praise you for your capacity
to be in so many places
at one time.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tzur Yisrael

Tzur Yisrael, Rock of Israel,
we pray for spirit and endurance for our people

Tzur Yisrael, Rock of Israel,
we pray for fairness and justice for our people

Tzur Yisrael, Rock of Israel,
we pray for compassion and love for our people

Tzur Yisrael, Rock of Israel,
we pray that you not be thrown at us,
but used for building...

Tzur Yisrael, Rock of Israel,
we pray that those buildings are safe and sturdy,
even if they are not our own...

Tzur Yisrael, O Rock of Israel
we pray that the stones used to build sturdy buildings
house safely her people
even if they, too, are not our own...

Tzur Yisrael, Rock of Israel...
we pray that with you as the cornerstone...
peace can be built,
humanity respected,
partitions abided,
partnerships embraced

Tzur Yisrael, O Rock of Israel,
though rocks and stones can crumble,
we pray that the mortar which binds them all together,
be one of steadfast and everlasting strength.